Saturday, June 23, 2012

How To Get Laid At The Office

How To Get Laid At The Office - Secret Office Romances and Hooking Up With Co-Workers

The old saying goes “don’t dip your pen in the company ink.” First of all, we use computers now, Dad. Secondly, where else do people meet anymore? Americans work hard, and are working harder than ever before. We spend our entire lives punching clocks, shuffling papers and filling spreadsheet rows with nonsense numbers.

Offices are pressure cookers of erotic fury, and the idea that human beings shouldn’t take advantage of lusty, consensual opportunities in a broom closet is as antiquated as mimeograph machines, Dictaphones and health benefits. Be free with your desires, cubicle monkey! Surrender to your passions, data entry drone! Follow these 10 simple rules, and start proactively facilitating synergistic facetime strategies. Nekkid!

10. Keep it All Business

Just because you spend budget meetings exchanging aching, longing stares with Meredith from Sales doesn’t mean you can drop your corporate façade. Embrace the politically-correct vernacular and let the simmering subtext bubble up. Imbue your TPS report request with sexual urgency. Compliment her choice of mugs. Engage in non-controversial water cooler conversation, like “I enjoy the dancing stars on Dancing with the Stars.” Allow for the occasional eyebrow arch and/or amorous nostril flare. 

9. Never Use Your Corporate E-mail

Office Sex

As a rule, IT guys are a lonely, vindictive lot with a lot of time on their hands, as “network is down” is just code for “we’re reading your e-mails.” Electronic communication is the greatest thing to happen to office romance, but make sure the slow slog from innocuous queries to steamy declarations of raw want is conducted on secure servers, like Gmail or Facebook.

 8. Plan the First Kiss Offsite
They call it “happy hour” because everybody is happy to stop acting like robots. Casually invite her with the usual gaggle of after work drunks. Prove your worth by making the group laugh at your impression of Gladys in Accounting (she puts on so much lip gloss!). But show her you are still all business by talking about brand-positive initiatives. Then walk her to her car and let nature do the rest. Whatever you do, don’t try to smooch her in the office. Doing it offsite reinforces the enduring lie that your newborn office romance isn’t an office romance.

  7. Make Out in the Stairwell
One of the perks of an office fling is the fact that your tedious, soul-crushing day can be interrupted by thrilling, adrenaline-inducing trysts. Offices are risky, as locked doors are suspicious. Conference rooms can be opened. Stairwells are perfect because A) one of you can leave before the other and wait on a prearranged landing and B) you can hear people walking up or down. This location is ideal for making out and/or lifting skirts, unzipping pants and doing it against the railing. Feel free to make a mess, but do it quietly.

 6. Beware of Inside Jokes
Maintain your corporate poker face at all costs. Everybody will know, but until either of you screws up or leaves obvious clues, it will just be conjecture and unconfirmed gossip. One of the biggest tell-tale signs are offhanded giggles over inside jokes no one else is privy to. Your affair will be uncovered, and therefore a lot less fun, if you are both any less than totally diligent. No snickering at the copy machine because you said “But aardvarks don’t fart!”

5. Don’t Get Drunk at the Office Party

There is no way to get drunk at an office party and make out with a coworker without everybody knowing. It’s like blood in the water: The sharks can smell it from miles away. Practice self control and allow Fat Kenny to nervously pound whiskey sours and slap tongues with Moustache Dorothy on the dance floor. They will provide cover for your fling while you happily finger blast your 9-to-5 lady between the fifth and sixth floors.

 4. Don’t Bang the Boss
It’s tempting. They buy drinks. And it’s not so odd when they lock their offices. But once discovered, and eventually all office romances are discovered, it will make you an office pariah. The boss will ignore, nervously fawn, or just generally interact uncomfortably with you. Even worse, you’ll be radioactive to any other potential hookups in the office.

 3. Plant Disinformation
You know who is the office gossip, as it’s usually the person with the worst bung breath in your cube forest. That bad breath? It’s the smell a rotting soul makes. Do not avoid this person. Endure their petty chirping, if only so you can cleverly plant gossip in order to throw him or her off your trail of debauchery. Recap the office party. Relive the nervous breakdown Sharon had in the coffee nook. Slyly suggest that a rival is an out-of-control cokehead. Occupy them with entertaining falsehoods, and pray it distracts them from the scandal that is right under their nose.

 2. Have a Change of Clothes at the Office

Office Affairs

It is of the utmost importance to never come to work the next day in the same clothes you were wearing the day before. This is a cardinal sin, and a dead giveaway that you are doing what everybody else silently dreams of doing. They will resent your happiness and judge you harshly. Keep a fresh button-down shirt and tie in a drawer handy, as well as a toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant. Take a quick whore’s bath in the company bathroom. Don’t bother with fresh boxers—no one will ever know.

 1. Never Mention the Breakup
All good things must come to an end. But office flings don’t really end; they are abandoned, banished to the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet of your heart. Once the affair has become untenable due to profound incompatibility, dramatically divergent priorities or her husband, it is essential to never, ever mention it again. But at least it was fun while it lasted. Now back to work! Keep up appearances. Stay businesslike. When you see her by the copy machine, nod, and if you must, remark about what an excellent quarter the company is having. Then start throwing smoky eyes at the new temp with the perky sweater puppies….


101 Quick Tips To Get Laid, Often

1.Every date is a learning experience. 
2.It's a numbers game. 
3. Always be on the prowl.
4.The worst she can say is "no."
5.Put urself out there (online dating, meet-ups, volunteer). 
6.Confidence leads to momentum. 
7.Google her before the date. 
8.Research and pick a chill spot for the date.
 9.Prepare a few after date options nearby. 
10.Work is an applicable excuse for everything. 
11.Get an apartment with a view.
 12.Change ur sheets when expecting company. 
13.Cold streaks and dry spells are to be broken by fat girls. 
14.Work out at least 5 days a week.
 15.Always seem busy.
16.Limit phone conversations to 15 minutes
17.Never be abrupt or pushy. 
18.Never get stressed out. 
19.Every girl is a unique creature. 
20.Daddy issues = short term fun; long term none. 
21.Catch up on current events, just in case.
 22.Learn how to cook one money meal. 
23.U have the most interesting life in the world. 
24.It's not cheating if u're not committed. 
25.Never ask “what r u thinking?" 
26.First date = drinks; Second date = dinner. 
27.Don’t become Facebook friends.
 28.Ex-girlfriends are ex’s for a reason. 
29.Chicks love attention. 
30.Befriend a gay guy. 
31.Lock all electronic devices (especially ur phone and laptop). 
32.Gifts are for suckers.
33.Cut the nails, wax the back and trim the pubes. 
34.It is always a game at first. 
35.Don’t make promises. 
36.Throw a chick flick on ur Netflix queue. 
37.Online dating: 1 face pic = fat.
38.Beware of the office hookup (proceed with caution). 
39.Hide the porn. 
40.Be nice in public and bad in bed.
 41.Learn to snap a bra off with one hand.
 42.Innocent fibs never hurt anyone.
 43.It's not an interview.
 44.Remove emotion from the equation.
 45.Double book a night (proceed with caution). 
46.Come prepared with interesting stories. 
47.Walk the line between confident and cocky. 
48.When in doubt, smile.
49.She already knows if she wants to bang u, so relax. 
50.Look for signs (playing with hair or straw, lack of eye contact). 
51.Stay clear of the friends zone. 
52.Friends with benefits does not last
53.Avoid Indian and Mexican food.
 54.Take a preemptive dump. 
55.Always have one drink before the date. 
56.A girl who doesn’t drink is a girl u don’t want.
 57.Show up 5 minutes late. 
58.Greet her with a kiss on the cheek and mini hug
 59.Generic compliments do actually go a long way.
 60.Take control at all times. 
61.Break down her wall
 62.Feed off body language. 
63.Don’t be a hero, refrain from offering advice. 
64.Don't mention ur mom. 
65.Bring up topics, but let her talk. 
66.Do not ever bring up politics, news or religion. 
67.Talk politics, news and religion if u want the date to end.
 68.Never mention marriage or kids. 
69.Throw out a subtle insult in an overly sarcastic tone.
70.Treat her and everyone around u with respect.
71.Take a bathroom break halfway thru the date to reassess. 
72.Look for an opportunity to place ur hand on her thigh.
 73.Never let her pay. 
74.Tip 25% plus and make her see.
75.Dessert is to be served at ur apartment. 
76.The application of lip gloss implies progress.
 77.Eyes above neck (unless she walks ahead of u). 
78.Know when to turn it on. 
79.Choose ur words carefully. 
80.She's as horny as u are. 
81.Bring up drugs. If she smokes, get pot
82.Women can smell desperation. 
83.Win over her friends.
84.Absolutely no PDA. 
85.Avoid overly affectionate words
86.Her self esteem is as a large as u want it to be.
87.After the date say "I look forward to seeing u again."
88.End of night text – “I had fun” – no more, no less. 
89.Always have a spare outfit at work. 
90.Have an exit plan.
91.If it's not happening, just walk away. 
92.U should know after two dates. 
93.No sex by the third date, it’s time to move on. 
94.Wait at least 1 day before responding. No more than 3.
 95.There is always someone hotter. 
96.A breakup text is an acceptable method

97.Someone always gets hurt. Don't make it u. 
98.If she doesn’t call u back after two attempts, forget her.
 99.Avoid stalker mode. 
100.Persistence is more creepy than flattering. 
101.Ur first impression is a lasting impression. So don’t mess up!

Tips To Getting Laid

There is no sure-fire tip to getting laid. Before you start picking up women to score with, you should learn about your masculinity and how to use it to your advantage. There are different types of masculinity. To be the best type of man, you don't want to have too extreme of a personality.

Follow these guidelines and learn them carefully.
Nice Guy vs. The Bad Boy

he nice guy is usually very feminine. What Girls Like: The ladies like this guy, because he is nice, caring, compassionate, spontaneous, and really romantic. What They Don't Like: They don't like that he can be clingy, whiny, and that he doesn't really think that he is a great catch.
The Rebel is the exact opposite of the nice guy, showing off his extreme masculine side.
What Girls Like: They like this mysterious guy who breaks the rules and getting him is a real challenge. What They Don't Like: This type of guy doesn't follow the rules, so he often gets into trouble. Watch out, because these guys are often abusive and careless.

If you look at the traits for these two personality types, you will see that beautiful women won't be all that attracted to someone who is just like them: feminine. Being too nice and needy will definitely hurt their chance for picking up women.

The best and the most beautiful girls like the overly masculine guys. Even though a lot of the qualities that they show to the world aren't that great, women still hang around and choose these guys. Now, you finally know why the nice guys always get left behind.

The nice guys story is always the same:
A nice guy meets a really attractive girl, and they become close friends. When the girl starts telling him about her problems with a masculine, controlling and abusive boyfriend, that she won't break up with, he gives her advice. Soon he starts to have feelings for this girl, and thinks that she should go out with him instead of this jerk.

Eventually, the masculine man and the girl break up, because she is sick of all the trouble. The nice guy thinks that now is his chance with the beautiful girl and works up the courage to tell her exactly the extent of his feelings for her.

Well, the guy tells her how he feels, and the beautiful woman, not wanting to hurt his feeling tells him that she doesn't want to risk their friendship with a relationship. The truth is, she doesn't find him attractive, because he hasn't shown a masculine side to her.

Women find neither overly feminine nor masculine men attractive. The feminine men are too much like them, and the masculine men they end up dumping, because they don't treat them right. The key is to have both feminine and masculine traits.

Are You a Real Man?
If you want to know if you are considered a true gentleman (or a real man), you need to be have masculine traits and feminine traits. The big tip to getting laid is to have these traits:
Masculine: If you want to get women, you should be confident, a leader and mysterious. Girls like that you give them a challenge.

Feminine: The girls really go nuts, because you are romantic, friendly, and caring. They also like spontaneity.

If you want to be the perfect man, you should be challenging to women, by making them earn your respect, but nice enough to open the doors for them. You should be confident and romantic at the same time. If you have these traits, you have the ideal balance of masculine and feminine traits so that you are really attractive to women.

Women want these men, because they are consciously and unconsciously attractive to them. Their man should be romantic and caring, but at the same time have enough confidence to lead the situation and be the man. There isn't one true tip to getting laid in this article, but finding the best personality that women are looking for includes having a great personality.