Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tips To Getting Laid

There is no sure-fire tip to getting laid. Before you start picking up women to score with, you should learn about your masculinity and how to use it to your advantage. There are different types of masculinity. To be the best type of man, you don't want to have too extreme of a personality.

Follow these guidelines and learn them carefully.
Nice Guy vs. The Bad Boy

he nice guy is usually very feminine. What Girls Like: The ladies like this guy, because he is nice, caring, compassionate, spontaneous, and really romantic. What They Don't Like: They don't like that he can be clingy, whiny, and that he doesn't really think that he is a great catch.
The Rebel is the exact opposite of the nice guy, showing off his extreme masculine side.
What Girls Like: They like this mysterious guy who breaks the rules and getting him is a real challenge. What They Don't Like: This type of guy doesn't follow the rules, so he often gets into trouble. Watch out, because these guys are often abusive and careless.

If you look at the traits for these two personality types, you will see that beautiful women won't be all that attracted to someone who is just like them: feminine. Being too nice and needy will definitely hurt their chance for picking up women.

The best and the most beautiful girls like the overly masculine guys. Even though a lot of the qualities that they show to the world aren't that great, women still hang around and choose these guys. Now, you finally know why the nice guys always get left behind.

The nice guys story is always the same:
A nice guy meets a really attractive girl, and they become close friends. When the girl starts telling him about her problems with a masculine, controlling and abusive boyfriend, that she won't break up with, he gives her advice. Soon he starts to have feelings for this girl, and thinks that she should go out with him instead of this jerk.

Eventually, the masculine man and the girl break up, because she is sick of all the trouble. The nice guy thinks that now is his chance with the beautiful girl and works up the courage to tell her exactly the extent of his feelings for her.

Well, the guy tells her how he feels, and the beautiful woman, not wanting to hurt his feeling tells him that she doesn't want to risk their friendship with a relationship. The truth is, she doesn't find him attractive, because he hasn't shown a masculine side to her.

Women find neither overly feminine nor masculine men attractive. The feminine men are too much like them, and the masculine men they end up dumping, because they don't treat them right. The key is to have both feminine and masculine traits.

Are You a Real Man?
If you want to know if you are considered a true gentleman (or a real man), you need to be have masculine traits and feminine traits. The big tip to getting laid is to have these traits:
Masculine: If you want to get women, you should be confident, a leader and mysterious. Girls like that you give them a challenge.

Feminine: The girls really go nuts, because you are romantic, friendly, and caring. They also like spontaneity.

If you want to be the perfect man, you should be challenging to women, by making them earn your respect, but nice enough to open the doors for them. You should be confident and romantic at the same time. If you have these traits, you have the ideal balance of masculine and feminine traits so that you are really attractive to women.

Women want these men, because they are consciously and unconsciously attractive to them. Their man should be romantic and caring, but at the same time have enough confidence to lead the situation and be the man. There isn't one true tip to getting laid in this article, but finding the best personality that women are looking for includes having a great personality.