Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Flirt and Create Hypnotic Conversations with Women

This question may seem simple enough to answer. After all, we’ve all done it (or tried to, at least.)  
Complimenting women, dressing to impress, and spouting off cheesy pick-up lines are just some of the tactics devised to attract a mate, 

Flirting is nothing more than a mating ritual…

but how much do we really know about the art of flirting?  In short, flirting is nothing more than a mating ritual, and it is not exclusive to humans alone.   Consider the animal kingdom. Have you ever wondered about the songs birds sing? Is it just a mere coincidence that peacocks have such stylish feathers? What’s the science behind apes beating their chests the way they do?  

The answer is simple…it’s all a part of their mating ritual.   While flirting techniques are unique to each species, the goal behind them is not. For humans, flirting involves the verbal and nonverbal cues we use to attract a potential mate.   As men, we take specific actions to impress the female of our choice: humor; intelligence; material wealth; social status; confidence.  

Like the male ape beating his chest, these are just some of the signals we emit to prove our desire and worthiness to the opposite sex.

This is the essence of flirting! 
What’s more is that it is mostly done on an unconscious level. Think back to the animal examples mentioned earlier. Do you think any of these mating rituals are preplanned?  

They are not.  

In actuality, they are all nature’s answer to continuing the life cycle, and every creature on the planet is bred specifically for this purpose, including humans.  

Like the animal kingdom, humans don’t think about flirting…they just do it. In fact, the only time we’re actually aware of our flirtatious nature is when it backfires on us.  

Every guy has been in a situation where a girl appears to be flirting with him, only to act annoyed when he returns the gesture. She spouts off comments such as, “You’re not my type,” or “I like you as a friend,” and he finds himself confused at the entire interaction. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a guy to misinterpret a girl’s friendly signals for a sexual attraction. 

The Right Way to Flirt The Right Way to Flirt 

Before we discuss how to successfully flirt, you need to consider one very important fact – women do not like cocky assholes.   Showing off your hot set of wheels, running your mouth about how much money you have, or boasting about how important your job is may seem like a good way to grab a girl’s attention, but it’s not. 

Flirting is a subtle way to show a girl you’re interested in her  Bragging actually portrays weakness, and it will do you more harm than good.  Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s delve into the topic at hand – flirting.   In essence, flirting is a subtle but fun way to show a girl you’re interested in her.  
Just for a moment, imagine yourself talking to a girl for the very first time. She’s cute, she seems interested in the conversation, and even better…she appears to be giving you “the eye.”  

This type of sexual tension is, in reality, part of the human mating ritual. From it, we determine if the attraction is mutual, and in turn, whether or not to move forward.  When flirting, try to incorporate all the qualities of masculinity that women find attractive . But for the sake of this discussion, know that women generally respond to men who are confident and in touch with their emotions. 

Flirting is your chance to demonstrate that you have these core character traits women find appealing in a guy.   Perhaps the most important element to flirting is the use of your nonverbal cues, also known as your body language.   Did you know that only 10 percent of communication is verbal? That’s right! The remaining 90 percent of communication is expressed through a person’s actions. 
With that said, don’t think that simply talking to a girl will make her interested.  

Two guys can say exactly the same thing, but deliver completely different messages, so you’re going to have to learn how to use your gestures, voice, and overall body language to make your message more penetrating. 

Another important aspect in flirting effectively is to know the difference between a romantic interest and a platonic interest. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that women have an almost innate instinct to flirt, regardless of whether or not they’re genuinely interested in a guy. It’s a gray area that creates a sense of confusion for many men, and that’s why it’s important to understand flirting.  
Know when it’s for fun and when it’s serious by deciphering between the different types of flirting…